Monday, August 20, 2012

Mississippi Life

Honestly, I can't believe that March was the last time I blogged.  We have been SUPER busy since then.  First things first, as most everyone know by now, Tucker Benjamin Forsythe has arrived!  In fact, he is already 5 months old and doing great!  He had a little trouble at first with fluid in his lungs and had to be sent to Erlanger in Chattanooga for observation.  He is fine now and such a blessing to us all.

Tucker Benjamin
1 week old

Little Tuck is growing like the proverbial weed and no one can resist his constant smiles.  I have to admit, he's a good baby and rarely fusses (until dinner time...but this is typical of all Forsythe men).


More later on our new life in to get William at school.

Monday, March 5, 2012

More Pics...and Plans

Busy getting ready for some upcoming youth events, one being Disciple Now.  We're excited about what all God is going to do during that weekend, and we're praying that He will move in the hearts of our students, as well as our guest speaker (and friend) Stephen Fisher and worship leader, Yancy Riley.  Can't wait to spend time with our youth...hope baby Tucker holds off until it's over.  :)

And, now, pictures:

Abe...finally learning how to pose for the camera

Abe, after throwing a rock (he takes his rock throwing seriously!)

I am 8 months pregnant in this picture with Tucker...we can't wait to meet him!

Judd, almost 12-months-old...can't believe he's already celebrating his first birthday!
He certainly didn't get to be the baby for very long...but that's okay, 'cause we sure do
love this little guy!!!

Me and the best husband/father/youth pastor/man in the world!!

Our buddies!!!

Just love this picture!  Judd loves his Daddy!

So sweet!

Our sweet William...such a handsome guy!

Love that smile!!

Growing too fast!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Family Pics

A friend of the family came from Atlanta to do some pics of our boys...we had a lot of fun, even though we were under storm advisories all day.  Call us a little insane, but it was something that had been planned for awhile.  So, after dodging raindrops and hail, here are some of the results:
Judd, 12 months old

William, 5-years-old

Abe, 3-years-old (taken at San Miguel Coffee House)

Other photos are on the way...this is a favorite of mine of Tim and our sons.  He is such a great Dad, and his boys love him very much (so do I)!  :)

We'll add another little guy soon to Team Forsythe!

Our family...God has blessed us beyond belief!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Jokes and Sharing the Love

Today is Tim's birthday, but he has gone to Louisville to attend a weekend long conference in order to get class credit toward his seminary degree.   First of all, we are all very proud of him, second of all, we miss him SO badly when he's gone, even if it's only for a couple of days.   When I talked to him on the phone, he sounded a little down.  I asked if he was okay, and he said he was a little sad because he was alone (without his family) on his birthday.  Later I told the boys about this, and William said "he's sad because he can't tell jokes and he can't show love to everybody."  Actually, this was kind of insightful into Tim's personality.  Yes, he likes to tell corny jokes (the cornier the better) and yes, Tim is a compassionate, loving person.  I was surprised that William was so observant.

Daddy's "surprise" birthday wishes we posted on Facebook!
Later, as we sat down for dinner, I asked the boys to pray over the meal.  We always hold hands when we pray together as a family.  Tonight, the only thing different was that Tim was not there.  William automatically stretched out his hand to where his daddy normally sits.  Then realizing what he'd done, smiled sheepishly at me and said, "let's pretend Daddy is sitting here!"  And, so we did.  I'm so thankful that they get to experience the love of their earthly father, and know that that love is available all because of their Heavenly Father.  Maybe they do not realize it now, but some day they will!

Breaking NEWS:  Judd is finally crawling!  After doing the commando thing for a while and thoroughly getting frustrated, he is now up on all fours, crawling around the house and yes....getting into everything!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Birthday Plans, Valentines, and Baby!

The boys are excited about filling out their valentines today; and, I have to admit, so am I!  I love helping them get ready for a fun day at school.  They look so forward to it.  To make it even more special, I have decided to make cake balls to give away to their classmates.  Not something that I can say I'm good at (cookies are more my forte).  But, I have the ingredients and I'm ready to give it a whirl!  W. A. and Hubby hope to help.  Sounds like the makings of a marvelous mess!  :)
W. and A. working on their Valentines for their classmates!

Hubby's b-day is coming up, and the boys and I have been talking about what we're going to do to celebrate.  Because his birthday is so close to Valentine's Day, we are going out Tuesday evening (without any children in tow, thanks to the sisters-in-law) for dinner and a movie.  Also, it's already time to start planning for J.'s 1st birthday party.  Not sure what all we're going to do, yet, but it will be fun!  1st birthdays are always bittersweet:  they are no longer infants...and in J.'s case, he will no longer be the baby of the family.  In fact, being the baby was a little short-lived for him, seeing as Baby #4 will soon be here.  While I'm excited about a new little one, I somehow feel as if I'm cheating J..  I do know this, little J. LOVES his brothers and will probably take it in stride that he has another one to play and laugh with.  :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Latest Babe!

Little T. is moving around and growing as well.  Had a Dr. appointment today and learned that the date scheduled for my C-section (have to have C-sections due to an existing condition) is April 6, 2012.  If I go into labor on my own before that date, obviously they will deliver sooner.  We will have to wait and see what birthday God has for the little guy!  :)  So excited to meet him!

W. and A. are a funny pair.  Hubby always teases them by calling them nicknames ("Willy" and "Abe Lincoln").  A. was telling W. today:  "when I turn 4 I will be Abe Lincoln, and when you turn 6 you will be 'Willy'."  This did not make W. happy, because he absolutely hates being called by that nickname.  Who knows how A. came to this conclusion.

Both boys are doing really well at pre-school and kindergarten.  Mommy and Daddy are proud!  I LOVE to listen to W. read!  It just amazes me, and I hope he'll always have a love for reading (just like his parents).  A. is excelling with his counting a little better than W. did at that age.  Perhaps he's going to have the head for numbers.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Acteens and Annie

Okay, so my Acteen group at church is doing a fundraiser.  Basically, you order a Valentines Goodie Bag, and the Sunday before Valentine's Day, the girls from Acteens will hand deliver the bags during the Sunday School hour.  Cost per bag: $2.  All proceeds go toward the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.  We received LOTS of orders today, and I am super thrilled!!  God has really blessed our fundraising efforts this year.  What's also exciting is seeing a group of teenage girls get together and really studying what it means to do "missions" and applying it to their every day lives.  I'm super proud of them!!  Praying that God will continue to use them in awesome ways to further His kingdom.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Teeth and Translation

I'm quite astounded by the fact that A. and W. can speak SO much "jibber jabber" and know what each other is saying.  I've heard of twins coming up with their own "secret language" and actually delaying speech because they have their own special way to communicate, but I never thought that siblings who are two years apart could accomplish it!!  I kind of find it frustrating, I will confess.  It's like being in a room where everyone else is speaking a foreign language and you're left wondering what in the world is being said!  Hopefully, this is a phase that will pass.  Don't get me wrong, they do actually speak legible English, but during play is when they lapse into their secret language.  

While this is going on with the two oldest, J. is cutting teeth...several!  He's an over-achiever!  Why cut one or two, when you can cut three teeth at once!  Needless to say he's a grump!  My usually cheerful baby, full of cuddles and giggles, is now just lying in wait for the opportunity to bite someone and then scream as if it were himself he bit!  :)  Of course, despite the grumpiness (and the teething diapers) we still adore the little guy.  In just TWO MONTHS he will have his first birthday.  Flabbergasting, I know!

Other great news, W. is beginning to memorize Bible verses!  I know there are Super Kids out there that probably memorize the entire Bible at the age of two, but, to me, (an adult who still has a hard time memorizing scripture) I am so proud of my 5-year-old.  Hubby and I pray CONSTANTLY that God will give us direction in raising up young men who will love and serve HIM all the days of their lives!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hitting Pause

Some moments you wish you could freeze and hold on to for forever.  Last night, our house was humming with the usual activity, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by God's love for me.  I felt it through the family He gave me, and was amazed at what wonderful guys they are!  Hubby was standing at the sink, washing like the third round of dishes, and as I watched him, I realized what a true servant he is.  W. was encouraging A. as he worked on a computer learning game.  His words were affirming and made A. smile.  "Good job, buddy. You're good at this!"  It dawned on me that he is our encourager!  A. gives whatever he has to whomever seems to need it.  He is our giver!  And, J.?  Who knows what wonderful gifts he has been blessed with.  One is always apparent, and that is joy.  He is always SO joyful!

Looking at my family, and freezing the moment for just a second, I knew instantly how much God loves us and how He is ever working in our lives.  He gave us an unexpected blessing yesterday that really touched me and my hubby.  Coming from such an unexpected person at that.  Our Lord is good to us in so many ways, and it is never more apparent than when I look at this family.