Wednesday, November 23, 2011

One little, two little, three little Turkeys....

We have our own little turkeys running around the Forsythe home, and they look very much like our three tow-headed boys!!  We certainly do love them!  We're getting ready for Thanksgiving, and we're reflecting on all the great things God has done in our lives.  While we were powerfully shocked to find out that we were having yet another little one, we are excited that he/she is coming, and thankful for this unexpected blessing!  We've experienced such great health this past year, and that is a true blessing, considering that boys seem to attract yucky germs with their dirty hands and their growing opposition to soap.  Yes, trying to keep them clean and sanitized is a great task, but a necessary one.  :)

This morning we made turkey-shaped pancakes!  W. and A. were so excited, and like true males, when they cut into the turkey, the first thing they declared was "I just ate his butt!"  Nice!

I'm able to blog this morning because the boys are playing nicely together, and J. is sleeping in.  My Youth Pastor (YP) hubby is only at the church office half the day today, and then we'll enjoy some family time.

I am unbelievably thankful for him.  I watched him yesterday, running out of the house, helping me out by driving me to Murfreesboro.  He had J. in one hand, his back-pack in another, and a box of baby cookies grasped between his teeth.  At that moment, he looked like a magnificent super-hero, minus the cape.

He is SUPER DADDY!  And the best husband in the world.  Thank you, honey, for all you do!

Time yet for another cup of coffee.  Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll!  Here's some lyrics from one of my favorite thanksgiving hymns:

And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich"
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks

Friday, November 4, 2011

The things they say....

Conversations overhead between W. and A. (especially in the back of the van) can be quite amusing. Today, A. was speaking incessantly about superheroes.  W. sighed, as if he were growing tired of the one-sided talkfest and said: "A. there are no REAL superheroes in this city!"

A. was quiet, only for a second, and responded:  "no, 'cause they're on my underwear!"   :-)

I had to laugh out loud!  The next "funny" didn't occur until bedtime, and then we had two in a row.  The first started when W. wanted to entertain A. with his stuffed Larry the Cucumber.  He was making Larry "speak" and moving him around like a puppet.  He proceeded to "preach" a sermon to A. about caring.  He ended the conversation with this, "so, A. you should care about other people (pause) and that means not poking their eyes out!"  Good point!!

Finally, it came time for bedtime prayers.  W. volunteered to do the praying, so we closed our eyes and bowed our heads.  "Dear God, please help Granny to stop being old....." and I must stop there because I'm too distracted by laughter!  :)