Monday, March 5, 2012

More Pics...and Plans

Busy getting ready for some upcoming youth events, one being Disciple Now.  We're excited about what all God is going to do during that weekend, and we're praying that He will move in the hearts of our students, as well as our guest speaker (and friend) Stephen Fisher and worship leader, Yancy Riley.  Can't wait to spend time with our youth...hope baby Tucker holds off until it's over.  :)

And, now, pictures:

Abe...finally learning how to pose for the camera

Abe, after throwing a rock (he takes his rock throwing seriously!)

I am 8 months pregnant in this picture with Tucker...we can't wait to meet him!

Judd, almost 12-months-old...can't believe he's already celebrating his first birthday!
He certainly didn't get to be the baby for very long...but that's okay, 'cause we sure do
love this little guy!!!

Me and the best husband/father/youth pastor/man in the world!!

Our buddies!!!

Just love this picture!  Judd loves his Daddy!

So sweet!

Our sweet William...such a handsome guy!

Love that smile!!

Growing too fast!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Family Pics

A friend of the family came from Atlanta to do some pics of our boys...we had a lot of fun, even though we were under storm advisories all day.  Call us a little insane, but it was something that had been planned for awhile.  So, after dodging raindrops and hail, here are some of the results:
Judd, 12 months old

William, 5-years-old

Abe, 3-years-old (taken at San Miguel Coffee House)

Other photos are on the way...this is a favorite of mine of Tim and our sons.  He is such a great Dad, and his boys love him very much (so do I)!  :)

We'll add another little guy soon to Team Forsythe!

Our family...God has blessed us beyond belief!