Friday, February 17, 2012

Jokes and Sharing the Love

Today is Tim's birthday, but he has gone to Louisville to attend a weekend long conference in order to get class credit toward his seminary degree.   First of all, we are all very proud of him, second of all, we miss him SO badly when he's gone, even if it's only for a couple of days.   When I talked to him on the phone, he sounded a little down.  I asked if he was okay, and he said he was a little sad because he was alone (without his family) on his birthday.  Later I told the boys about this, and William said "he's sad because he can't tell jokes and he can't show love to everybody."  Actually, this was kind of insightful into Tim's personality.  Yes, he likes to tell corny jokes (the cornier the better) and yes, Tim is a compassionate, loving person.  I was surprised that William was so observant.

Daddy's "surprise" birthday wishes we posted on Facebook!
Later, as we sat down for dinner, I asked the boys to pray over the meal.  We always hold hands when we pray together as a family.  Tonight, the only thing different was that Tim was not there.  William automatically stretched out his hand to where his daddy normally sits.  Then realizing what he'd done, smiled sheepishly at me and said, "let's pretend Daddy is sitting here!"  And, so we did.  I'm so thankful that they get to experience the love of their earthly father, and know that that love is available all because of their Heavenly Father.  Maybe they do not realize it now, but some day they will!

Breaking NEWS:  Judd is finally crawling!  After doing the commando thing for a while and thoroughly getting frustrated, he is now up on all fours, crawling around the house and yes....getting into everything!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Birthday Plans, Valentines, and Baby!

The boys are excited about filling out their valentines today; and, I have to admit, so am I!  I love helping them get ready for a fun day at school.  They look so forward to it.  To make it even more special, I have decided to make cake balls to give away to their classmates.  Not something that I can say I'm good at (cookies are more my forte).  But, I have the ingredients and I'm ready to give it a whirl!  W. A. and Hubby hope to help.  Sounds like the makings of a marvelous mess!  :)
W. and A. working on their Valentines for their classmates!

Hubby's b-day is coming up, and the boys and I have been talking about what we're going to do to celebrate.  Because his birthday is so close to Valentine's Day, we are going out Tuesday evening (without any children in tow, thanks to the sisters-in-law) for dinner and a movie.  Also, it's already time to start planning for J.'s 1st birthday party.  Not sure what all we're going to do, yet, but it will be fun!  1st birthdays are always bittersweet:  they are no longer infants...and in J.'s case, he will no longer be the baby of the family.  In fact, being the baby was a little short-lived for him, seeing as Baby #4 will soon be here.  While I'm excited about a new little one, I somehow feel as if I'm cheating J..  I do know this, little J. LOVES his brothers and will probably take it in stride that he has another one to play and laugh with.  :)