Monday, January 16, 2012

Teeth and Translation

I'm quite astounded by the fact that A. and W. can speak SO much "jibber jabber" and know what each other is saying.  I've heard of twins coming up with their own "secret language" and actually delaying speech because they have their own special way to communicate, but I never thought that siblings who are two years apart could accomplish it!!  I kind of find it frustrating, I will confess.  It's like being in a room where everyone else is speaking a foreign language and you're left wondering what in the world is being said!  Hopefully, this is a phase that will pass.  Don't get me wrong, they do actually speak legible English, but during play is when they lapse into their secret language.  

While this is going on with the two oldest, J. is cutting teeth...several!  He's an over-achiever!  Why cut one or two, when you can cut three teeth at once!  Needless to say he's a grump!  My usually cheerful baby, full of cuddles and giggles, is now just lying in wait for the opportunity to bite someone and then scream as if it were himself he bit!  :)  Of course, despite the grumpiness (and the teething diapers) we still adore the little guy.  In just TWO MONTHS he will have his first birthday.  Flabbergasting, I know!

Other great news, W. is beginning to memorize Bible verses!  I know there are Super Kids out there that probably memorize the entire Bible at the age of two, but, to me, (an adult who still has a hard time memorizing scripture) I am so proud of my 5-year-old.  Hubby and I pray CONSTANTLY that God will give us direction in raising up young men who will love and serve HIM all the days of their lives!

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