Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hitting Pause

Some moments you wish you could freeze and hold on to for forever.  Last night, our house was humming with the usual activity, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by God's love for me.  I felt it through the family He gave me, and was amazed at what wonderful guys they are!  Hubby was standing at the sink, washing like the third round of dishes, and as I watched him, I realized what a true servant he is.  W. was encouraging A. as he worked on a computer learning game.  His words were affirming and made A. smile.  "Good job, buddy. You're good at this!"  It dawned on me that he is our encourager!  A. gives whatever he has to whomever seems to need it.  He is our giver!  And, J.?  Who knows what wonderful gifts he has been blessed with.  One is always apparent, and that is joy.  He is always SO joyful!

Looking at my family, and freezing the moment for just a second, I knew instantly how much God loves us and how He is ever working in our lives.  He gave us an unexpected blessing yesterday that really touched me and my hubby.  Coming from such an unexpected person at that.  Our Lord is good to us in so many ways, and it is never more apparent than when I look at this family.

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