Saturday, October 22, 2011

A devotional I wrote, published in "Women at Southern: A Walk Through Psalms"

This is a devotional I wrote for a book that is being published by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  You can buy  the book on campus.  There is a devotional  for every day of the year...I'm May 17th!  :)

May 17th

Background passage:  Psalm 66:16-20

Focal Verse: 

“May God be praised! He has not turned away my prayer or turned His faithful love from me” (Psalm 66:20).

Reading this passage over and over again has kicked conviction into high gear in my life.  The psalmist is declaring that we should announce to those who fear God all that He has done for us, and how He faithfully hears and answers our prayers. 

I envision standing on a mountain surrounded by the awesome beauty of God’s nature, and shouting for the world to hear: “May God be praised!” However, when it comes to my actually doing something like that, well, I’d much rather give a little shout out to God from the comfort of my couch.  More of a “hey, God, You’re awesome” with a thumbs up for good measure. Too often I lose my eagerness to tell people what God has done for me and how He has answered the prayers in my life. When I read verse 18: “If I had been aware of malice in my heart, the Lord would not have listened,” then I’m suddenly more aware of my sins, and how I’m not even worthy to approach the throne of God; but, verse 19 goes on to say that God listens anyway and He “has paid attention to the sound of my prayer.”  Amazing!  There is no greater motivation in the world than to know that God listens!  God cares!  God answers! That’s enough to kick anybody off the couch and onto a mountain!

What an immense comfort it is to know that God has not turned away from our prayers, and that He continues to faithfully love us.  Oftentimes we truly feel that God is not listening when we speak to Him and our hope begins to wane; but, this passage is one of promise.  Let it put praise in your heart!  Never neglect to tell those around you of the wonderful things God has done.   

Dear Father, thank you for hearing my prayer, even when there is sin in my heart.  You deserve praise!  There is no one on this earth who is faithful in loving me the way You do.  Thank you, Lord.  Amen.

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